Mission Statement

With welcoming hearts,
Plymouth seeks to share the transforming love of Christ through
Faith-filled worship, prayer, and study
Hope-filled service and outreach
Love-filled fellowship

We are glad you are here!

Who We Are

What We Believe


We are a community that seeks to:

  • Praise our compassionate Creator, who in Jesus Christ walked among us and continues to dwell with us in the Holy Spirit.
  • Gather for worship celebrating God’s Word as a source of light and direction for our lives.
  • Extend a warm embrace to all people, affirming that, regardless of our place in life’s journey, we are all children of God.
  • Live in covenant with one another and honor the diverse faith heritages and perspectives of our members.
  • Welcome all to the Lord’s Table.
  • Embody the Great Commandment, striving earnestly to love God and our neighbors as we love ourselves, through service and all aspects of our lives.

Who We Are

About Plymouth

Plymouth Congregational Church has been part of the Coconut Grove community for more than 125 years. Our beautiful, historic sanctuary, with its Mission-style architecture, is constructed of hand-cut stones with a stunning 16th century door sourced from an ancient Spanish monastery. Nestled amidst acres of green space and flowering trees, our campus offers a serene retreat for reflection and worship.

Plymouth is a member of the United Church of Christ (UCC). We are an open and affirming congregation. Our members reflect a broad spectrum of theological, cultural, and political diversity. We foster unity amidst our differences and celebrate this as a source of strength. Some of our families have been part of our community for generations. At the same time, much like the vibrant spirit of Miami, Plymouth has a youthful spirit welcoming new members and seeking innovative ways to serve our community.

We have a Pilgrim heritage with deep roots in the Congregational tradition. From our earliest days in the 17th century, we have been people of covenant. We form our community by covenanting with the Lord and with one another. We bind ourselves in one Spirit, walking God’s pathways together. We live fully into congregational governance. Our members actively lead our decision-making processes and shape our shared commitment to live into God’s call upon our lives.

I am verily persuaded the Lord hath more truth yet to break forth out of His Holy Word.

~John Robinson at the sailing of the Mayflower (1620)